Thursday, 28 July 2011

School room makeover

We've had abit of a change in our schoolroom over the last week - so here's the almost finished article.
(please ignore the pile of papers under DD6's desk)

We've used the door for our poster display - currently contains the scripture of the week, our periodic table and an Egyptian poster.
On the left as you enter is our newest piece of furniture - the girls really enjoyed helping strip and sand it.
It houses our extra art supplies, advanced PL activities are in the drawer (in an attempt to keep them away from DD2), nature display shelf and the base is for all our paper needs.

The rugs fit nicely down the side of the cupboard and our music box. The mantle shelf is for our colour coordinated pencils, spare books and lego boxes.
The older girls have their desks/workboxes under the display and chalkboard - I was a little unhappy with having the blackboard too high for the little ones to reach so compromised by giving their desks blackboard lids.
to the right is our reading area - squishy beanbag and book shelf along with all our manipulative's (stored on the window ledge) and eye level displays of the artists we are currently studying.
then the youngest two have their desks, workboxes and calendar display. You may recognise the old red table currently stashed behind their desks - I'm still trying to decided where it should live. DD2's sensory tub lives under her desk.
which brings you round to our Montessori shelves with our continent boxes stacked at the side.
and back out the door. Due to space restrictions (I think I've managed to fit alot into a room 2.5m x 4.6m) I've removed the computer, not ideal, but they now use the one downstairs which at least causes less disruption to the others. I've also moved all my lesson materials, remaining Montessori equipment and games up to the attic which creates a clearer space - It is slightly annoying to keep going upstairs when I forget something we need for a lesson but I'm sure I'll adapt : )

The girls love their revamped space - I caught them in there this morning as soon as they were out of bed. Also a truer indication of their appreciation is that the 'new' space has remained spotless for the last 3 days (long may it continue)

I'm linking this up at Not back to school blog hop


Unknown said...

Your room looks great! All ready for a new learning year :)

April D said...

It looks great. I am revamping our area right now as well. Good job! And "may it long continue." I agree! lol.

Unknown said...

looks wonderful!

Leptir (Nataša) said...

Looks great! I like it :)

Adamant Academy said...

your room looks very sweet hope you have a great year!!

The Adventurer said...

Love your revamp school room.

Anonymous said...

oh i like your room, especially the blackboard tops! have a great year :)

Dawn said...

I love the butterflies and the book corner.

Jen @ Gricefully Homeschooling said...

Hoping over from the NBTS Blog Hop. You did an awesome job with the small space! I am your newest follower.

Happy Homeschooling!

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