One of my favourite aspects of BOW's literature based unit studies is you can pick and choose how many activities you do and take as long as you want (I have been know to spread them out over two weeks) but they have provided enough for a whole weeks worth of lessons, because we were home three days last week I chose to do only some of the activities. The other thing I love is how broad the age range is (I used this with 6-12 year olds) and the activities suggest ideas for both a younger and older audiences.
We started by reading the book 'I took the Moon for a walk' and went through PBE's narration questions and activities;
Moon worksheet
I read the moon facts sheet, moon stories and the girls filled in the notebook page
Moon Poetry
I used the poetry discussion page to explore the poetry within the book and write an extra stanza for the story. We also read the additional poem - the girls loved this so much they decided to draw pictures inspired by the poem and write their own moon poems.
Simile and Metaphor
We also worked through the simile and metaphor activity
Filled in selected facts on the timeline provided
Maps and Flag
This included facts about Derbyshire, colouring the county flag and labelling/colouring maps.
The girls got so enthused that they ended up working through lunch and beyond : )
The girls worked on their myriorama landscapes
and started their moon lamp
Hills activity
I read the fact sheet, Rose created playdoh hills and the older girls made the lift the flap notebook page.
We worked through the math activities.
They worked on their well dressing collage
and did some more of their moon lamp.
They explored Nocturnal and Diurnal animals,
British Wild animals,
and did the experiment.
There were a number of activities we skipped because our week was shorter than normal - We didn't make the recipes, the brochure or poster, moon phases activity (because they did one last week) or the different ageing paper techniques.
Picture Book Explorers come as an approx 60 page PDF and provide a weeks worth of educational activities based on a reading or picture book. They divide the days as follows:
Day 1 - Explore the Setting
Day 2 -Exploring the words
Day 3 - Exploring the Pictures
Day 4 - Exploring Science
Day 5- Exploring Math, Crafts and more
Each day has between 4 and 8 suggested activities that you can pick and choose between.
We have been so impressed that I have decided to give away a copy of 'I took the Moon for a Walk' and it's accompanying picture Book explorer
This giveaway is open worldwide. To enter please leave a comment below saying which Picture Book explorer you would most like to try and for additional entries like Picture Book Explorers facebook page or subscribe via email.