I decided that even though Lilly was outside of their age range (13+) I was keen for her to use this as preparation for future tests and to give her more insight into her learning strengths and personality.
Both the assessment and report are on line. She started by taking the assessment - this took about 25 mins and she was advised to use her gut instinct when responding to the questions and not to over analyse, they are also keen to point out that there are no right or wrong answers. I did sit beside her incase she needed help, this proved useful as she didn't understand some of the words (hence the 13 year plus age range).
Once the assessment was submitted we received the report both immediately on the website and via email.

The report is a 34 page document detailing her results and outlining how she learns best.
The report is broken down into three sections
- Personality
- Learning Styles
- Cognitive Thinking Skills.
Both the Personality and learning styles sections contain informational pages on each style, Lilly's results (which were presented in a graphical format), tips for guessing/interacting with other personality types, career suggestions, suggestions for ways to improve your learning skills and information on how to improve your learning environment (it suggested Lilly would learn well in an organised environment but thankfully isn't put off by background noise)
The Cognitive thinking skills section included information on why learning styles are important,
how you best absorb information, how you process information, tips on how you learn best, communication skills, strengths and weaknesses, how you think best and an action plan to help apply what you have learnt. They do stress that all personality styles and learning styles have unique strengths and gifts.
I liked the Action Plan provided in the report and that it provided further insight into how Lilly learns best - some we already knew but others were a real insight.
There was some repetition in the questions asked which did annoy Lilly slightly but otherwise it was easy to use and came up with the results we expected. I am fortunate that DH is a psychometric tester and when I asked him to look over the report compared to others he had used at work he was impressed at its thoroughness.
PeopleKeys sell the Student Strengths Report for $20.
You can see what my crew mates thought of this and other peoplekeys products including their Personality Style Report, StudentKeys Student Binder, Cognitive Thinking Style Workbook, Student Strengths Report, DISC Career Style Report, Values Style Workbook, Children's Profile (ages 9-14) and more over at the TOS Blog