
Friday, 20 March 2015


I've been lucky that my girls seem to tolerate math lessons - I've not had tantrums or tears but neither have I had huge smiles and excitement. When the opportunity to review GPA LEARN and their online math program GPALOVEMATH came up, I was keen to try. The program looks amazing and I knew my kids would learn loads from it. 

I received access to a year’s subscription for Tulip and Rose for their online programme (they primarily used 1st and 3rd grade). GPALOVEMATH gives you access to all levels K-5th for a year for each subscription you purchase.

It's really easy to set up - you start by creating a parent account and separate log in's for each child. Once I had created accounts for Tulip and Rose, I was able to set rewards for lessons completed - they have a list you can select from which includes suggestions like 'win 2 stickers' or 'Mum does your chores' or 'bake a cake' or you could enter your own ideas. Its up to you how many rewards you select - I choose to have a reward after every 9 lessons.

When the girls log in to
 their accounts, they see four tabs on their homepage to choose from. 

Dashboard: Shows them how many lessons they’ve attempted, quiz's completed, level achieved etc. The three levels are rockstar, master and apprentice and each indicates a different level of mastery.
Learn: This is where the lesson modules are. There are 3 learning paths here (green, purple and blue) indicating different subjects (like addition, multiplication, geometry). Here they click on a lesson which takes them to their tutor movie, practise and quiz. Once a lesson is completed it unlock the next lesson on the path.

Engage: Here you can leave messages for your children and they can interact with each other.
Motivate: Rewards can be purchased with points earned by completing their lessons.

The lessons are fairly short and it generally took about 20-25mins to cover the movie tutorial, practise questions and quiz. The girls loved  them because they were engaging, funny and easy to understand. The tutorials are well done, interesting and teach concepts well. Rose especially loved the 'surprise guests' in the first grade feature.

Our review period started well - it was easy to set up and we the girls watched the introduction to each section, then the green section on Rose's first grade program froze - I enquired with their customer support team who were very helpful and got back to me immediately to explain that the next lesson would only unlock when she had completed some lessons in the blue and purple sections because that knowledge was required for the next green lesson.

GPA LEARN would email me whenever the girls completed a lesson. It also offered me the chance to test drive the lesson so I could discuss it with the girls if they needed my help. I also got a weekly digest which summed up the information from the daily emails, I could see what lessons they did and how they scored on their quiz.

Tulip was able to use this fairly independently, occasionally she would ask for help with a topic but as a general rule it was self explanatory. With Tulip I sat with her (more to help her with how to use the computer) whilst she worked on the lessons - they have a useful 'read aloud' feature for non readers, so if your child was able to manipulate a computer they would be fine to work independently. The girls used this on average 3-4 days a week as their main math lesson. 
GPA LEARN do market this as a math supplement, if so it's on of the most comprehensive and in-depth I've seen - I can easily see this being used as our main math lesson. There are about 150 lessons at each grade level and the topic list is very thorough.

I think its fair to say that this has now become a staple in our home - It's a great way to learn math online. T
he girls loved their 'tutors' and find the movies fun and appealing. It’s a fun way to learn math. I now have children excited to do their math lessons !
The rewards have been an amazing motivator - their first reward was to chose what we had for dinner - and since then I've often seen them completing two or three lessons a day just to find out what their next reward would be )

I know I'm onto a good thing when they enjoy using it and ask beg
 to use it : )

GPA is available for an introductory price of $129 per child per year (Use Promo Code GPAINTRO15) or they also have a monthly payment option of $12.99 per month.

You can see what my crewmates thought over at the TOS Blog

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