escapade: n. a piece of daring or reckless behaviour. How many times have you been labelled as mad or reckless because you homeschool? Well I say its time to break down those notions - Bring on the Madness !
Friday, 18 July 2014
Summer School - Giraffe
Summer school is in session - we decided against a complete break as we've learnt from previous experience that they get bored after a week or so, so this year we decided that summer school would be project based fun.
We started with a giraffe anatomy model that I picked up a while ago - the girls built it, researched facts about giraffes, measured out how big various body parts were (how tall it would be against the wall, length of legs, length of neck, it's 50 cm tongue, how heavy it's heart was compared to a humans etc.) and made a poster. They discovered that a giraffe gives birth standing up and Tulip was worried the baby giraffe would have a long way to fall so they finished by watching a giraffe birth on you tube.
They have giraffes at Yorkshire wild life park in Doncaster, if you fancy seeing some real life.ones :)