So here is a list of what I am thankful for in our homeschool
- That I live in a country with the freedom to home educate my children and my prayers go out to those who live where there is no choice.
- That my husband supports my decision (even on the tough days where the housework has slid into oblivion 'cause we were stuck doing decimals).
- The chance to watch my children discover and explore the world around them.
- To experience their joy of discovery and watch their faces light up when it finally clicks.
- That my children get a chance to be kids and are not forced to grow up too fast.
- That I learn something new every day (even if it's just that the average chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in or that a chickens bottom is called a fluff)
- For the friendships between my girls - I think if they weren't together every day then they wouldn't be as close as they are.
- That they have time to explore areas of interest to them (hence why Lilly has spent the last month reading loads of Greek and Roman myths).
- That they are willing to question (and even correct me when I'm wrong).
- For the like minded friends they have and the support they give us.
- The flexibility it gives us to personalise work to their individual learning style, level and needs.
- For the extra time we get to spend with them.
feel free to share why you love homeschooling too :)
I so agree with you! I love homeschooling for a lot of the same reasons you stated. I love the freedom. We get to choose our curriculum, and our schedule. We don't have to adhere to some system that doesn't work for our child. I could go on and on.