
Friday, 22 March 2013

Spring Practical Life Activity

To celebrate the spring equinox this week I created a new set of practical life trays the girls.

they started by making their own biodegradable paper pots with a really nifty pot making tool,

then they had to fill with soil and plant some seeds,

then finish by watering and placing their pots in a mini greenhouse.

not that it will do us much good - this was the 'not very springlike' view from the window this morning : (


  1. Oh, I can't wait to do this again this spring. We don't have snow but it is very, very wet- so no planting out just yet!
    Thanks for sharing-over from the hop

  2. We did this activity last week, too! It's surprisingly easy to roll up the newspaper into pots, right? Your greenhouse is absolutely darling, too! Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a great activity! I love your little greenhouse! We have been planting our cold weather loving plants outside here (West TN) this past week! I am sooo ready for the spring weather!
