
Friday, 1 February 2013

Snake Sitting Lessons

The girls are lucky enough to be snake sitting for the next couple of months for my brothers snake.

It has encouraged some great learning activities including; measuring the length and weight of the snake (yes - it's longer than Lilly's leg), researching behaviour, eating habits, hibernation, albinos, nocturnal, snake anatomy  and reading loads of books about snakes (resulting in some tough questions like ' why are snakes classified as reptiles when some of them give birth to live young?') 

I love spontaneous learning : )


  1. What a great learning experience!

  2. Oh....I could not snake sit.

  3. We used to have a Ball Python, he was over 6 feet long, his name was Houdini. We'd probably still have him if I hadn't gotten tired of being the only one to take care of him. lol He went to a new home.
