
Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Christian Kids Explore Physics - TOS Review

I was offered a chance to review Christian Kids Explore Physics by  Bright Ideas Press. This is part of a Christian-based interactive series that makes science fun.

The Physics book is a complete 1 year curriculum. It is aimed at grades 4th - 8th but can easily be adapted for younger children. It includes 30 lessons designed to be used 2 days a week - the units cover Foundation of Physics, Matter, Mechanics, Matter in Motion, Energy in Motion and Electricity and Magnetism. Each unit contains 4-5 lessons and each lesson includes a scripture verse, vocabulary list, discussion, review questions, colouring page and an activity. S
upplemental reading is also encouraged.

It comes with a resource CD containing lesson plans, materials list, lesson reviews, activity charts, literature guide, colouring pages, bibliography, glossary pages and printables. It also includes a literature study guide for a book about Benjamin Franklin. The study contains vocabulary and comprehension questions as well as questions requiring deeper research.

We've only just started delving into this book but the girls have enjoyed their experience. I like that the chapters are short, easy to read and understandable. The hands-on activities are simple to pull together and fun (an advantage is the experiments use common or easily obtainable supplies). Overall a great multi-age Physics curriculum that doesn't take a lot of prep work!

Christian Kids Explore Physics sells for $39.95.

You can read what the other crew members thought of this (and the other books in the series) at the TOS Blog

Disclaimer: I received a digital copy of the Physics book/CD so I could give an honest review of the product.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, mama ! I came across your blog from the Workbox group....and then realized we are Crewmates!! It is a small world!
