
Thursday, 12 April 2012

AIMS Fabulous fractions - TOS Review

AIMS provide integrated learning books for science and math. We were offered their
Fabulous Fractions book for review. The book came with a CD and and a set of fraction tansparencies.

Fabulous Fractions is a hands on set of activities for grades 3-5. The book comes with a CD of printables (same pages are included the book for copying) and is available for $21.95 or as a PDF for $19.95. You can also purchase the fraction transparencies for $14.95 and the fraction circle model for $7.95.

It worked well for us. Tulip (5), Sunflower (7) and Lilly (9) loved it 

and even Rose (3) joined in some of the activities.

Planning was fairly easy (it did require some prep work - usually printing and cutting) and it was really easy to fit into our schedule. The activities do vary in length but average at 30 mins so it proved great for joint lessons at the start of the day. The activities were a fun, engaging and practical way to learn and understand fractions.

This is so much more than a workbook - through games, activities, questioning and problem solving, it gives you a firm grasp of fraction concepts. We had great fun with this and I can highly recommend it (especially as it's so easy to use).

You can read what the other crew members thought over at the TOS Blog

Disclaimer - I was given a free copy of the book and transparencies so I could provide an honest review of the product.

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