
Thursday, 13 October 2011

TOS review - Visual Latin

"That’s what we (Visual Latin) want to give your children: pure delight in learning a new language. And along the way, we want to strengthen their understanding of English grammar and powerfully expand their English vocabulary."
I've been wanting to introduce Latin into the girls work (to make prefixes and root words easier to understand) for a while, so jumped at the chance to try visual Latin. I was nervous to start as it's something I've never studied but we all fell in love with this programme after the first lesson : )

Your guide/teacher is Dwane Thomas and he has a friendly, fun approach combined with short, easy to understand lessons. Both Lilly and Sunflower really enjoyed these lessons especially as they found words they recognised from day one - they both took great pleasure in explaining to DH that peninsular is Latin and means 'almost an island' - and they have requested these lessons often.
Each lesson is broken into 3 video sections - grammar, language and translation - lasting approx 10 mins  each combined with 3 follow up worksheets which are a great reinforcement of what they've just learnt. We worked through one lesson each week spread over 3 days - a welcome addition to their workboxes as it required no planning on my part and they really looked forward to the days it was in there.

Visual Latin is recommended for age 9 and above but Sunflower did join in (almost 7) and was fine with some assistance from Lilly.

We were given the download version ($25 for lessons 1-10 ) but a DVD is also available ($80 for lessons 1-30 or $30 for lessons 1-10) as well as live lessons ($115)
The only downside was downloading does take a while (but tuned out to be well worth it)
I would highly recommend this product and would suggest you go check out their six free introductory lessons here.

See what the other crew mates thought here.

1 comment:

  1. Great review! Visual Latin sure makes the learning fun, as all learning should be, hopefully.
