
Friday, 19 August 2011


I was very privileged to receive the 'one lovely blog' award twice over the weekend

I received them from Montessori Print Shop and Ponad Siebie - I just wanted to say a big THANKS to you both. It was a wonderful experience to wake up to these awards on Monday as both are blogs I greatly admire.
The Rules:
1. The recipient of the award must thank the one who passed the award on, and link back to their blog.
2. You must mention 7 things about yourself.
3. You must pass the award on to other blogs and let them know they have won the award.

Once again thank you to both Montessori Print Shop and Ponad Siebie

7 things about me
  1. I am a closet farmer - I have 5 chickens, a large veggie patch and secretly want a cow (but my garden isn't big enough)
  2. I love, love, love, love to read
  3. I despise slugs (although I quiet like snails)
  4. I grow lots of herbs (but only one of my kids likes to drink my herb teas)
  5. I am a reluctant craft'er - reluctant because I don't enjoy it, but a craft'er because it saves a fortune on HS supplies.
  6. I enjoy restoring furniture - something about the smell of sanded wood makes me smile.
  7. I love quotes - my current favourite is Emmeline Pankhurst ' Deeds not words'
There are so many blogs I love, it's really hard to just pick a couple but these two have been on my radar for a while now and are well worth a visit.

The homeschool den - Full of wonderful, hands on activities and great Montessori ideas.
Discovery Days and Montessori Moments - an honest, inspirational look at a Montessori homeschool journey. She has some great ideas (like the continent boxes).



  1. I am really liking your blog! I just put your button under my favs, and have pinned a few things on pinterest so I can find it easier in the future!

  2. and I just saw you are LDS too ;)
    Hope you'll visit my blog sometime

  3. Congrats on the awards! I'm a new follower from the TOS blog hop.
