Tot school today was fun - DD2 spent most of her time with play doh making a tower and what she assures me was a bumble bee.
She also decided that it was time she had her own cutting practice and sat with the scissors and a piece of paper for about 10 mins making little cuts along one side - the result was a lovely fringe on the paper.
DD4 saw DD6 working with the number flash cards and wanted me to get hers out, hers have been adapted to create 3 part cards and she uses them in the traditional way of matching them correctly but then she also likes to put them in numerical order as well - 2 for the price of 1 is always good in my book : )
She also had her letter P worksheets but just to confuse things she had a letter O craft (I'd managed to misplace it when we were doing O and have only just found it).
We used an O shaped ring to make a pom pom
then turned it into a fox with some felt cut outs and google eyes. I am now thinking I should have insisted she turned it into an octopus rather than a fox but she decided it really needed to be a fox as it was orange.
Cute fox!! We need to do some more scissor activities too...thanks for the reminder!