
Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Mothers Day

Mothers day is fast approaching - in the UK it is this Sunday (I think the rest of you have it in May)

As an extra special treat the girls have made me some honey lip balm.

The recipe is very simple and it takes about 5 mins to make - it does involve heat so probably only suitable for the older ones or heavily supervised young ones.
1 Tbsp Beeswax
6 Tbsp Sweet Almond oil
1 Tbsp Honey
2/3 drops essential oil of choice
Optional - 1 Vitamin E capsule

  • In a small pan melt the beeswax and oil together and remove from heat.
  • Add honey and mix until it is well blended
  • Allow to cool slightly (stirring all the time to prevent setting) then add vitamin E oil and essential oil
  • Pour into containers

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

    Happy Mothering Sunday to you (early)!

