escapade: n. a piece of daring or reckless behaviour. How many times have you been labelled as mad or reckless because you homeschool? Well I say its time to break down those notions - Bring on the Madness !
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Homeschool Mothers Journal
In my life this week...
SPRING IS HERE! The girls and I have been busy planting seeds, rebuilding our raised beds and cleaning the greenhouse.
In our homeschool this week...
We have had lots of fun - the girls have been super good and as a result the week has been amazing. We have flown through the work and got loads accomplished (fingers crossed it continues - I need more weeks like this)
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
We were at a service project yesterday and we have another lined up for Fri. A HS group will be planting a new garden at the visitors centre for a local museum.
My favorite thing this week was...
Being outside and finally enjoying the spring weather.
What's working/not working for us...
This week everything worked (for a change) - they especially loved the new living math book 'Sir Cumference'. Think I'll be ordering the rest of these.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
How much screen time do you allow your children?
I usually limit.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
'One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child'
Maria Montessori
Hi there hopping over from the HHH.This is my first time on your blog and do say that you have been blessed with an beautiful family.I am going to look around for a while now.