DD8 has been working on her vocabulary - she is an avid reader but often comes across words she doesn't know. We started writing them down and looking them up later, we also played guessing games where we would take it in turns to open the dictionary on a random page and call out a word for the other to try and guess the meaning but I wanted something with more structure to it.
In came Evan Moor with their 'word a day' e-book. A friend recommended this to me and I have to say I am more than pleased with DD8's response to this - she loves learning each weeks words and can often be heard inserting them into her every-day language.
The book has 36 weekly units so will fit in with most HS timetables. Each week has four small 5 min exercises to learn and use a new word followed by a 'test' day where you discuss the words studied that week, verbally assess their knowledge using the questions provided and have a revision worksheet to fill out.
For any family wishing to improve their vocab skill I would highly recommend this book. You can see sample pages on their website.
Creating Quality Teaching Resources for Over 30 Years - Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Disclaimer: I would love to say Evan Moor gave me this product to review but they didn't :(
I am just a genuinely happy customer who has benefited greatly from her purchase and wants to share the joy.
Thanks so much for sharing the link. I will pass it on to some friends with older children. Looks and sounds great! Kerri