
Friday, 11 February 2011

Homeschool Mothers Journal

In my life this week...
Sooooo much better - I've met some lovely bloggers and a great reader who has sent me load of materials. The kids are mostly better and I HAVE HAD SLEEP !

In our homeschool this week...
DD6 & DD8 have covered polygons, suffixes, roman history, art, elements, human body, factors, vocab, spelling, dynamic subtraction, reading, project work, creative writing, Asia map work, adjective revision, multiplication and various valentine games (tasting, math etc.)

DD6 is so 'proud' of her polygon knowledge- at odd moments she keeps spotting shapes and saying whether they are polygons or not. Most recently she spotted the moon and shouted 'That's not a polygon !'.

DD4 and DD2 have been doing loads of practical life, sorting games, baking, valentines inspired games/crafts and DD4 been focusing on the letter M again and revising numbers to 10.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...
We went to FIG for an art evening, making a painting for a local children's hospital.
We've been to dinner at a friend house and played in the park and garden with the chickens.

My favorite thing this week was...
So much has made me happy this week that its hard to pick just one !
Would probably go with the wonderful blogging friends who have given me such great advice and encouragement this week and with N who sent all the wonderful geometry and spelling materials.

What's working/not working for us...
We've tried sequential spelling this week and DD6 loves it.
Did want All About Spelling but their shipping costs to the UK were too high :(
(maybe someone will treat me for my birthday - hint hint DH)

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
Does anyone else feel there is sometimes too much information out there. I've spent 2 hours today reading through living book lists/reviews trying to decide which books will be best and still haven't made a decision.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
I walked into the schoolroom on Monday morning to see this.
It really made me smile.

1 comment:

  1. My kids are almost finished with AAS book one and I live in the UK contact me if you want to look at it or even purchase second hand. You would still need to get the magnets or make your own:)

    Where in England are you, I am living near Cambridge:)
