
Sunday, 20 February 2011

Blog award :)

Yay - got my first blog award today.
Thank you lifes adventures 

OK rules of this award are: Share 4 guilty pleasures. Pass this award on to six amazingly sweet blogs.

So my four guilty pleasures are
  • Chocolate - DH and kids are allergic to chocolate so I have to 'sneak' some into my day when needed (and who doesn't need chocolate).
  • Reading - I am book obsessive, when I get a new book I find it really hard to put down and have been known to stay up till 2am to finish something I've started (good job I'm a speed reader).
  • School Shopping - I find it really really hard to ignore a 'bargain' that I can use for school/lessons - I have a MASSIVE box in my attic full of fun games, activities, visual aids that I really need to organise so I can find all those fun things I bought (best bargain this weekend was a 'Plants of the world' game and book by Papadakis including books, game, seeds (inc. Rice) for £3).
  • Blogging - this has become abit obsessive now, think I need to cut down to maybe one a day rather than four a day.
Next are the 6 sweet blogs I would like to pass this on to. Must admit it was tough to pick just six but here goes.
Simply at Home
The Arrowood Zoo
The Joys of Home Educating
Living Montessori Now
Forever for always no matter what
Fairy Dust Teaching - not strictly HS but she has lovely ideas that are great teaching aids :)


  1. Now that is one sweet blog award! Thanks SO MUCH for such a cute, unique award! I'm honored and really appreciate it! Chocolate, reading, and blogging are definitely three of my guilty pleasures, too. School shopping was also, until my children grew up! Now that's probably changed to surfing the Internet for Montessori- and homeschooling ideas!
    Deb @

  2. So sweet!! Thank you so much for thinking of me! I am so committed to homeschooling as a powerful choice for families! I hold a dear place in my heart for the homeschooling journey! So it means a lot to be acknowledged by this community! Thank you! I love your guilty pleasures!
    Sally @

  3. Thanks so much for this "sweet" award :). I have to admit, I share the same guilty pleasures...and chocolate tops the list!

  4. Thank you for the blog award!! Your guilty pleasures could be mine too :) I really love school supplies...

    Your children are absolutely adorable! Thanks again for thinking of me :)
