
Toiletries and Crafts

We try to make some of our own toiletries as DD6 had Eczema and doesn't react well to the harsh chemicals used in commercial brands.

They also make great presents for Mothers Day and Christmas.

Homemade Moisturiser
You can add different herbs/oats etc to the boiling water but it does reduce the shelf life drastically. Oat water & honey creates a really rich moisturiser, chamomile flowers or tricolour violas are great for eczema - add the botanical to the boiling water for 10 mins then sieve once you have created a strong infusion.
You can play about with the amount of water to create a thicker or thinner cream depending on your preference.
I usually let the children do the measuring then take over the boiling bits and let them finish by whisking, scenting and pouring into bottles.

350ml Water
2-3 tbsp Sweet Almond Oil
1 tsp Beeswax
2 tsp Emulsifying Wax
1 tsp Vitamin C Powder
Essential Oil (or replace with a botanical of your choice - lavender, rose, oats, chamomile etc)
  • Put the water in one pan and the oils and wax in another - heat both to boiling.(tip - don't use water from the kettle as its not hot enough)
  • Add the water to the oil slowly and whisk
  • Transfer to a cool jug and continue whisking for 5 mins (you can opt to create a 'whipped' cream by whisking until cooled or you can create a normal moisturiser by leaving it on the side until cool.)
  • Once cooled add 10 drops of your chosen Essential Oil  and the Vitamin C, pour into bottles and enjoy.
Bath Bombs
These make a great present and look like pretty little cakes if you make them in silicon cupcake molds and top with a small dried flower. Please note that when you add the water do it slowly – too much water will cause a reaction and the Bomb will melt. It should look powdery but hold together when squeezed.
2 tbsp Sodium Bicarbonate
1 tbsp Citric Acid
1 tbsp Corn flour
Essential Oil (max 7 drops)
Cosmetic colour (max 4 drops)
1 tsp dried petals or herbs
Water or Witch Hazel

·         Sieve the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix well.
·         Add the colour and fragrance oil – mix thoroughly.
·         Add petals or herbs – mix thoroughly.
·         Lightly spritz with water or witch hazel (mix should hold together when squeezed)
·         Squash the mix into your mould (if using a ball quickly push the 2 halves together squeezing firmly)

Things you can add to Bath Bombs
·         Dried Rose petals
·         Poppy seeds
·         Cosmetic glitter
·         Dried citrus peel
·         Honey powder
·         Dried lavender
·         Oatmeal

DO NOT use wet items as they go mouldy within the product.

REMEMBER You are using concentrated colourant which will intensify in water – keep it pale or you can end up bright orange (I speak from experience here)

Homemade Washing Powder
This was kindly donated by Catherine from Australia. She has been making washing powder for a while and was inspired by this article . I've been using soap nuts but can't wait to try it this weekend :)

4 cups lux flakes (grated soap)
1 cup borax (DON'T use if you recycle your water - i.e. if you use grey water containing this it will kill your plants)
2 cups lectric (washing) soda - this is the mineral sodium carbonate
50ml eucalyptus oil (or tea tree) - for scent and also for the antibacterial properties.
  • Mix all the ingredients together well and store in a airtight container.
  • Use 2 tablespoons per wash
Lip Balm
A nice simple activity for children to make as gifts.

1 Tbsp Beeswax
6 Tbsp Sweet Almond oil
1 Tbsp Honey
2/3 drops essential oil of choice
Optional - 1 Vitamin E capsule

  • In a small pan melt the beeswax and oil together and remove from heat.
  • Add honey and mix until it is well blended
  • Allow to cool slightly (stirring all the time to prevent setting) then add vitamin E oil and essential oil
  • Pour into containers