
Website Freebies

This is a list of my favourite website for free Montessori materials and free classroom visuals

Montessori guide 2-6
They have free instructions for all the childrens house materials and tell you the order to present them in.

Teachers Pet
This is a great site for free visuals, classroom display and games.

Montessori Materials
Lots of freebies but watch out - there are a few you have to pay for

Goldmark Montessori
Some great free 3 part books and cards

Montessori print shop
This is a great site - you do have to purchase most of the materials but they do have a freebies page and if you join they email freebies out to you

Khan Academy
My newest favourite - free lessons for older students

Wise little owls
Has a great page of Montessori freebies

This blog has the Montessori Elementary manuals for free download.

Funtastic Unit Studies
Free Science and American History activities